Ed Barrett

Ed will be participating on the Industry Day where he will be presenting a talk on the Power of Character alongside Tom Judd.
Animade’s presentation explores the founding principles of Animade. It is titled “The Power of Character” and is made up of 3 chapters. 1 Personality in every Pixel, delves into the bedrock of our work. A belief that animation allows us to instil character into anything, allowing us to connect and draw emotions from the viewer. 2 Telling Stories pokes at the second layer of storytelling and narrative. How we construct meaningful and relatable narratives to take the viewer on a journey no matter what the duration or output we are working to. 3. Beyond Linear, digs into our want to push these principles into new realms. How can we leverage new mediums whilst staying true to the timeless magic that we as animators have at our fingertips.

Trying his hardest to be a grown-up, Ed is a father of three with a closet addiction to computer games. He has a love for making things move and is a driving force behind Animade’s ‘motion with character’ philosophy.
Animade is a leading animation studio on a mission to make the world a bit more characterful.